O U R  V A L U E S

We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork, and strive to bring all of our stakeholders together to achieve common goals and deliver exceptional results.
We believe in the importance of standardization and efficiency, and work tirelessly to optimize our processes to ensure that we can operate effectively and deliver results for our clients.
We believe in the power of partnerships, and have developed a robust network of partners and resources that our clients can leverage to succeed in global markets. We are committed to fostering strong relationships with our partners to drive growth and success for all stakeholders.

G T M  S T R A T E G Y    &    O P E R A T I O N  S E R V I C E

(B2B Consulting Service)

Empower your business growth with Beemer, our comprehensive B2B consulting service. Our team of experts specializes in go-to-market (GTM) strategy, market research, overseas partner networking, wholesale business development, and more. Our team of experts will help you navigate complex cross-border business challenges and develop effective go-to-market strategies for success in global markets.


(Digital Operating Service)

Maximize your e-commerce potential with Eemer, our digital operating service. Our team of experts will help you understand the global online platform strategy and help you operate your brands efficiently to increase profits. We also provide customer service management and strategic brand awareness activities through platform marketing to help you grow your brand and reach new customers. With our Eemer service, you can rest assured that your digital operations are in capable hands, leaving you free to focus on other areas of your business.

(Digital Marketing Service)

Take your brand to the next level with Aamer, our digital marketing service.
Our team of experts leverages the latest digital marketing techniques and tools to help you achieve your marketing goals. Our services include digital content creation and production to engage and captivate your target audience, Korean celebrity and influencer research engagement to drive brand recognition and reach new audiences, and PR activities to enhance your brand's image and reach media outlets and influencers. Trust us to help you increase brand recognition and drive growth through impactful digital marketing strategies.